Frequently Asked Questions
Collection Envelopes
If you would like to recieve Collection Envelopes or would like your envelopes stopped, please contact your Rectory.
Letter of Recommendation
These are issued to members of our Parish who are registered and practice the faith through Mass attendance and receiving the Sacraments. Donation envelopes (even empty) show attendance.
They should be Baptized, Confirmed, and a practicing Catholic. Out of town college students should receive a letter from their Campus Minister. Military personnel should receive the letter from their Chaplain.
Arrangements are made with the Rectory. A Letter of Recommendation for the Godparent or each Godparent is required before scheduling a date. Attendance to a Baptismal preparation class is also required within the past 3 years at the Parish.
Some Parishes have particular weekends that Baptisms are performed, others will do them every weekend. Baptisms can be performed during or after Mass by either a Priest or Deacon.
Arrangements are made with the Parish you wish to hold the wedding at with at least 6 months notice.
Scheduled through a Funeral Home or the desired Parish. Normally scheduled every day but Sunday. Times vary per Parish.