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Brian Wild

OLP Chalice Coordinator
(716) 393-6155

Brian Wild

OLP Chalice Coordinator
(716) 393-6155

The Beloved Disciples of Christ the Lord is pleased to introduce the Pass the Chalice program, which increases awareness of the need for more priestly vocations in our Diocese.

The program, guided by the Mary, Mother of Vocations Ministry, Inc., encourages families to make a personal commitment to pray for vocations daily by hosting the chalice in their home for one week and pray a series of daily devotionals and reflections encourage vocations to the priesthood and call upon the Holy Spirit to stir within the hearts of those whom the Lord is calling to serve as priests.

The two chalices are originally from the Parishes of
St. Martha’s and St. Philip’s
where they were used to celebrate countless Masses.

Family parishioner, Mr. John Crinzi,
refurbished both Chalices.

How It Works

  • Sign up for a week (Sunday to Saturday)
  • Pick up one of the two chalices at a church of your choosing
  • Go home and unpack the chalice, daily devotional, & journal. Place it in a central location.
  • Every day, gather your family and pray the suggested prayers. Journal your experience.
  • At the end of the week, we will make arrangements for passing the chalice along!

What Is In The Carry Case

  • Your chalice for the week
  • A daily devotional guide with prayers and prompts to help you and your family in your prayers
  • A journal so you can feel connected to those who have already prayed their week and for you to leave your experiences in for future families

Who Can Request a Week

Anyone in our Family of Parishes! Single Parishioners, couples, and entire families are encouraged to join us in this special prayer challenge.

Program & Chalice Information

The Beloved Disciples of Christ the Lord is pleased to introduce the Pass the Chalice program, which increases awareness of the need for more priestly vocations in our Diocese.

The program, guided by the Mary, Mother of Vocations Ministry, Inc., encourages families to make a personal commitment to pray for vocations daily by hosting the chalice in their home for one week and pray a series of daily devotionals and reflections encourage vocations to the priesthood and call upon the Holy Spirit to stir within the hearts of those whom the Lord is calling to serve as priests.

The two chalices are originally from the Parishes of St. Martha’s and St. Philip’s
where they were used to celebrate countless Masses.

Family parishioner, Mr. John Crinzi,
refurbished both Chalices.

How It Works

  • Sign up for a week (Sunday to Saturday)
  • Pick up one of the two chalices at a church of your choosing
  • Go home and unpack the chalice, daily devotional, & journal. Place it in a central location.
  • Every day, gather your family and pray the suggested prayers. Journal your experience.
  • At the end of the week, we will make arrangements for passing the chalice along!

What Is In The Carry Case

  • Your chalice for the week
  • A daily devotional guide with prayers and prompts to help you and your family in your prayers
  • A journal so you can feel connected to those who have already prayed their week and for you to leave your experiences in for future families

Who Can Request a Week

Anyone in our Family of Parishes! Single Parishioners, couples, and entire families are encouraged to join us in this special prayer challenge.

What Vocations are prayed for?

This program is to offer special prayers to encourage vocations to the priesthood and call upon the Holy Spirit to stir within the hearts of those whom the Lord is calling to serve as priests. Though prayers for all vocations to Religious Life (priest, brother, sister) are encouraged as well.